Cari Discus?

di Zora Discus aja..

its born from


Discus fish originated from Amazon River Brazil, has ​stolen hobbyist heart all around the world. They swim very ​gracefully and have various bright color, make them one of ​the best choice for hobbyist who want to relax at their ​home, after whole day of stressful work.

Established since 2018, Zora Discus has helped many ​hobbyist to enjoy keeping discus fish - from barebottom ​aquarium to very high tech planted / aquascape design. ​Yes.. We’ve been there, and we believe we can help to ​guide you step by step on keeping discus fish, which well-​known as the “King of the Aquarium”.

Tech Pattern 3D Lined Shape

We - Zora Discus, trully believe that fish can ​sense us, when we take good care of them, ​they will pay us back and say Thank You by ​showing their Beauty and bonding to us.

Happy Fish, Happy Life ❤️

Have it your way our specialize discus fish

Sa​n Merah Blue Rim

Since 2022, this fish has been our TOP ​Signature in Discus World, recognize ​worldwide as the Nicest San Merah that ​ever created, from our own farm - Zora ​Discu​s.

Go​lden Base ERuption

Spotted lovers will never miss this strain, the ​dispersion and uniformity of spot has extra ​value for this strain. Not forgetting the Red Iris​ w​ill blow your mind.

Red Golden Diam​ond

RGD is one of the sophisticated Red in discus ​world, the redness depends on the genetic itself ​and selective breeding is the key. This is the One ​th​at we can’t resist.

Have it your way our specialize discus fish

Snow Fine Spotted

Our 2024 Signature from snow line, ​beautiful crafted full face pattern is very ​rare​. This Strain can be yours...

12-Bar Snow Leopard

Famous for its impressive pattern and color ​contrast, this fish has its own place in hobbyist ​heart. Thrive well in Planted Aquarium.

Many More from

ZoRa Discus

there will be no better time than right now to visit ​Zora Discus and pick your discus to brighten up ​your aqu​arium at home.

Visit Contact us

Phone /​ Whatsapp

(+62) 811 9891 943 (​Shelly)




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